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Contribute code to a GLAM Workbench repository

If you want to improve the GLAM Workbench's Jupyter notebooks, or add new notebooks to an existing repository, you can contribute your code by setting up a local development environment.

Setting up your local environment

  1. Create and activate a Python virtual environment (Python >= 3.8 should be ok). I use pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv to create and manage Python versions and environments.
  2. Create your own fork of the GLAM Workbench repository.
  3. Clone your newly-forked GLAM Workbench repository to your own computer, eg. git clone
  4. On the command line, use cd to move into the notebooks folder of the newly-cloned repository, eg. cd trove-newspapers/notebooks
  5. On the command line, run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required Python packages.

Running Jupyter Lab

  1. On the command line, run jupyter lab – to start Jupyter.
  2. A browser window should open automatically. If not, copy and paste the url from the command line to your web browser.
  3. Make your changes!
  4. To shut down your Jupyter Lab session hit Ctrl+C.

Uploading your changes

  1. Don't forget to add your details to the creators section of the .zenodo.json file. This will ensure you're added as an author to the next released version uploaded to Zenodo. (I'm planning to automate this process in the future.)
  2. On the command line, use git to add and commit your changes.
  3. On the command line, use git push to upload your changes to your forked repository.
  4. Use the GitHub web interface to create a pull request from your forked repository to the original GLAM Workbench repository.

Creating a pull request will run a GitHub action that tries to build and cache the repository on Binder. If it works, a comment will be added to the pull request with a button to run your updated version on Binder. This lets you test to make sure things will run as expected on Binder and other cloud services.

Your pull request will be reviewed, and if it all looks good it will be merged into the main repository.

Testing and formatting

I've started adding additional configuration files to repositories to help developers set up semi-automated formatting and testing of notebooks. If the repository you're working with includes files named requirements-dev.txt, pyproject.toml, and .pre-commit-config.yaml then you can follow the steps below to set things up. If the files aren't present, then skip this section.

  1. On the command line, run pip install pip-tools to install pip tools.
  2. On the command line, run pip-sync requirements.txt requirements-dev.txt – to install the latest versions of required packages
  3. On the command line, run pre-commit install to set up the Git pre-commit hooks.

For information on how to use these tools, see testing and testing notebooks on the Developing a new repository page.

Adding new Python packages

If you're creating a new notebook, you might need to install some additional Python packages. The process for this is described in the Adding new Python packages section of Developing a new repository. However, not all repositories currently have a file, as I'm still updating them to use pip-tools. If this is the case, raise an issue and I'll help you set it up.


Contributors will be listed on the site's contributors page.